Pediatric Occupational & Physical Therapy Solutions For Neuro Motor Delays
As an OT Mom and PT Dad, we understand the challenges of a child's developmental delays. (See our son's story here). We were frustrated with conventional compensations, feeling that much more progress was possible.
We found multiple new therapy options that continually create daily miracles. We were so grateful that we trained in more than 8 specialties to bring hope and these better outcomes to other families.
We also felt helpless, scared, and confused when our son was born at 23 wks. But parents can and need to feel confident.
We involve and coach parents to be informed, empowered and confident, and to be part of helping their child reach their full potential.
Too many families are scared to begin therapy because they fear the need will never end. We replace the scary unknowns with quarterly goals, to manage time and money commitments in 3-month segments.
We strategize therapy goals together, to outline milestones for measurable progress, in predictable timeframes.
So many families find that their special child's needs can pull everyone out of balance.
Our program is family-centered to give emotional support and tools to restore joy and connection to family life.
At Action Potential Therapy we create a customized formula of specialized therapeutic techniques to steadlily maximize your child's potential.
Our goal for each child is to stimulate growth of new brain connections, to support functional independence with exceptional therapy that includes you in the process.
You want to avoid feelings of helplessness.
Let's bring out the best in your child.
Schedule a discovery call with us to feel empowered and hopeful.
Individualized therapy plans crafted to suit your child's specific needs.
Dependable service with compassionate and highly skilled therapists.
With you we set quarterly milestones that boost their progress and your confidence, and control costs.